Good match for Rega Brio-R

Does anyone have any recommendations on excellent sounding speakers to use with the Rega Brio amp? I'm thinking my options are either 1: Cheap out and trade my current entry level bookshelves for the new Kef q350's, or 2: Look into getting a good British made speaker to accompany my growing setup which now includes three Rega items (Brio, Phono, and P3) 

I know I really like everything I've heard from ProAc, Chartwell, Spendor, Rogers, etc, ect, but price points being up in the 2-3k's often makes them a bit unrealistic for my budget. I could probably do $1500 max without causing any inconvenience to my wallet, but if I spend that kind of money I want them to be GOOD. 

So, anybody have any input? 

PS, I'm not against an all Rega setup, the Rega speakers I have heard were awesome, but compared to the likes of Spendor they lose weight in my opinion. 
IMO, your going about it the wrong way.  Usually one get the speakers first, as they are the only component you can actually hear, and then one finds a suitable amplifier to properly drive them.

But it seems you already have the Brio and are locked into it.  So I suggest you understand it's output capabilities and then find speakers that have the proper specs (impedance & sensitive) that the Brio can meet without breaking a sweat.  And by all means, audition the speakers to find the pair that sounds best to you, your amp can properly drive and are within your budget.

The Rega is not a powerhouse at 73 wpc in 4 ohms and there is even a warning on their website to be careful driving 4 ohm loads.  I would take this to heart and stick with 8 ohm speakers within sensitivity ratings at 90dB and above and you research and develop your short list.  Your Brio will be much happier.

The Golden Ear Aon 3 sounds good and works well with the Brio for $1,000 if you are looking for a stand mount speaker
I 2nd the harbeth's mentioned by miner,very good warm British sound and probably a good value used.

Post removed 
I have the Rega Brio R in my second system, which is also the system that gets played the most.

I went a different path with single driver speakers, the Omega Super 7 Monitor MK2.  I find the sound from single driver speakers very seductive.  Vocals have an in the room presence.  Because they are a 7 inch driver, they play loud and with finesse.  Running out of steam is not an issue.   An omni version of this speaker is possible, as well.    

The set-up includes an Emotiva ERC-2 cd player, Stanton ST 150 turntable, Sumiko Pearl cartridge, Audience Ohno speaker cables, AudioQuest Black Mamba II interconnects.
