Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

sealed subs, sealed mains. With variable crossover slopes on the subwoofer being available to you.

It's how one gets to the best level of integration, in general terms.

The issue with classical is that if you don't carefully adjust the crossover slope and crossover frequency, the entire midbass and bass --will be mud.

the same is true with 'regular' music like pop and rock, but tends to be less noticeable to most, due to the distinct instruments with their intended frequency ranges. like bass and drums.

the complexity of the bass ranges in classical, across many instruments, en masse, will cause inconsistencies to be, to the aware ear, generally more detectable. Depends on the listener.

the sub can be ported, but it can be considered (behaviorally) a sealed box at the crossover frequencies (in general terms) and thus it best crosses over to a sealed speaker. That is, if one wants the best in bass clarity.
The Gallo TR1 or TR3 is perfect for Classical , fast, clean and very good tone .
Works in any room and any system . And they are cylinders which look nicer than a box .
Don’t believe the old BS you can put them just anywhere.
They work best dead center between speakers with front of cylinder 1/8 "
in front of face of main speakers .
Rest, do what teo says . In my room crossing over at 80Hz is best for my
Totems, Rega’s Omega’s, Gallo’s and Meadowlarks .
 My listening is 70% classical, 20% jazz and 10% Celtic and other folk
music .
What are your main speakers? What is your budget? How big is your listening room? What electronics are you using? It would be helpful with some of that information!
Hi RvPiano,

I think you have the right approach, in that money and size won’t solve your issues as much as careful integration will.

First, what are your current main speakers, and what are your room acoustics like?
