Parasound Halo Integrated vs Yamaha AS2100

I'm looking at buying a new amp and I have a line to get either of these amps at a large discount from retail. I will be pairing them with Martin Logan Motion 40 tower speakers and the main music source will be vinyl. Looking for feedback or info to help me make a decision. Also and welcome to better suited options of integrated amps in the under 3k range. 


I think the Yamaha was designed by,
Nakamichi Yamamoto Nippon musashino.

But seriously I would go for a parasound product over a Yamaha any day,much warmer,balanced glare and grain free sound then a Yamaha.

But seriously I would go for a parasound product over a Yamaha any day,much warmer,balanced glare and grain free sound then a Yamaha.
Yeah you can bet JC designed the Halo with the lowest distortion he could get without negative feedback, then just applied a little to clean it up. This gives big clean sound.
Too much feedback sterilises too much and makes thing lean. Not to mention the Class-A bias, bet the Halo has twice as much as the Yammie.

Cheers George   
I wouldn't sell the Yamaha short. It can easily come down to personal preference and whether you need the DAC in the Halo. If someone is using Maggies, then the Halo is a no-brainer. The build quality of the Yamaha is better in terms of casework, binding posts, and input jacks. If I listened to mostly strings, piano, light jazz and such, the Yamaha would be my preference.
The 2100 sounds way better than previous Yamaha's...few of the responders have actually listened to if Parasound had used the actual parts John Curl designed for it...