Did you know....?

Little known facts about music, musicians, and their work.

Did you know that Nora Jones was Ravi Shankar's daughter?
Marcie Campbell (wife of Mike of Tom Petty and Heart Breakers) runs a charity for dogs and they have many rescue dogs on their Woodland Hills property and even Chinese chickens and pot belly pigs! Really nice people.
Strawberry Alarm Clock! Oh no!
The answer to Rita Coolidge/Bill Withers Is Booker T. Jones. He produced both of them and married Rita's sister.
....it's funny what we notice about the people we listen to.  And how talent seems to run in the family DNA, but expresses itself differently...

I'll suppose that trait is typical for all of us, but sometimes you look about and go 'Huh?  So, what happened here?" *LOL*

Sorry, just a snide aside....;)