Diana Krall - New Vinyl - Good sound - Poor Vinyl

I wonder if anyone else that has purchased this record feels like the vinyl is poor. I have cleaned my copy 3 times and still can't get all the ticks/pops/grundge off the record. I also noticed that it has about 25 minutes a side so maybe to much music squeezed onto this one. Anyway I feel it should have been on 2 discs instead of just one for the best possibly quality. The sound quality is great but the vinyl for me is problematic. Anyone else?
There was lot of skill and machinery involved in back in the day LP production
that no longer exists . Same with most firms on labels, someone just owns the name .
"Anyway I feel it should have been on 2 discs instead of just one for the best possibly quality. The sound quality is great but the vinyl for me is problematic."

clarock- is there an article to reference regarding the number of tracks put on a record side affecting sonic quality?
Is squeezing as many tunes on a side really detrimental to sonic quality?

I generally don't purchase new music and spend my time in the used record bins with music pre 80's.
I have many albums with practically no dead wax because there are so many songs! 
The sonic quality seemingly isn't different than an album with less songs and 4" of dead wax.

Next week I will take a couple of records to the LA show. Included will be some with "too many cuts" One in particular always gets comments from listeners/exhibit guy as being a WOW! record.

I also don't hear the big deal with 180gm discs. My floppy, limp  noodle dynaflex Bowie albums sound great. Maybe I'm just more concerned with ticks/stitches. A clean, noise free record with great music is all that matters.
Anyway I feel it should have been on 2 discs instead of just one for the best possibly quality
I’m confused -- assuming we are talking about "Turn up the quiet", her current release? My copy is on two discs (3 sides, side D is blank) and 17’ or so per side.

While packed in card sleeves it cleaned up nicely. There’s a fairly high level of groove rush, typical of current pressings, but not noisy. It is cut very hot however which may cause problems with some setups. In particular I got some intermittent (3-4 times on a side) distortion on left channel peaks, but nothing too objectionable

Recording wise the best thing about it is the acoustic bass which is reference quality. The vocals are overly close miked which is fine albeit a bit too breathy for my tastes. All the other instruments are in band mode which sounds fine, although the recessed piano is a bit of a surprise for a DK disc!

All in all a nice record and my copy (from Acoustic Sounds) had no issues.

With regard to maximum length on a side it also depends on the material. Lots of very dynamic passages will take up more real estate, while a disc of quieter music can easily sound fine at up to 30’ So all in all it’s very hard to have a hard and fast rule I’m afraid

I have to ditto you.  My copy is on 3 sides, 2 discs, and sounds very good with the bass being as good as any in my experience.  The music is perhaps the best Krall has ever recorded.  Highest recommendation.