Benz Refs stripped screw hole

Is there anything that can done for a cartridge with a stripped screw hole?
Go to Home Depot with the current screw and get one 1 size larger....get help from someone to assist you.
I would have said use a smaller bolt and a separate nut but having seen the shape of the reference body it looks like there's no way of fixing a nut. Perhaps you could try using the next size up bolt and cutting a new thread? Of course this may destroy the cartridge and risk your headshell as well ... remind me to avoid cartridges that won't take a nut 😏
Using a larger bolt is a recipe for disaster.
Try wrapping some plumbers tape over the bolt - this may be enough to get some purchase on the thread.
Alternately, why not send the cartridge to someone like Soundsmith to effect a proper repair. Should not be a costly repair.   
I would explore a longer screw but make sure the thread pattern is the same. A 1/4 inch longer will probably do it.