HDTV & current DVD players - What do WE do?

It's clear that DVD is going to be around for quite a while. So the dilemma now is how to get the most out of our standard-definition discs on the HDTVs we watch them on? Part of the answer involves video scaling, which is the process of filling in the spaces between pixels by borrowing parts of the existing pixels encoded in the DVD video. Many HDTV sets have scaling equipment built in to do this already, but oftentimes the cheap chips installed by the manufacturer are not up to the task, and leave the image looking blocky and pixelated. A good video processor can clean this up, but traditionally the decent ones cost thousands of dollars. A recent trend has seen the introduction of scaling properties into the DVD players themselves. Again, usually the better players with these features have been the most expensive, while the reasonably priced models have had a host of quality problems, especially in the area of progressive scan deinterlacing, that make them unsuitable for many discerning videophiles.

Given the above realities and impending technology shift, what do we do NOW? It doesn't appear to make sense to spend $500+ for a DVD player when HDDVD is around the corner and yet it's unacceptable to live with poor PQ on our HDTV's. Besides Oppo (good & bad reviews), who makes a high quality DVD player for under $500 that utilizes Component video? Some here have mentioned LG's most recent offering - what makes it and others better than Oppo?

My 55" Hitachi plasma has a digital input, the problem is my cable box requires a digital output, therefore one of the cables going into the TV has to be component. I don't want to be forced into using the AVR everytime I watch TV.

Who knows though... most of the AV installers I've experienced don't have a clue. They know some things, but not others, so you get part of the story here and part of the story there.
Somehow I just don't understand HOW we have both HD and Blueray(incompatibles) in the marketplace.(almost) I wonder how long before we get a universal player? My 2 year old Mits.crt has an analog dvi so I'm out of luck.
Anyone have any experience with this DVD player by Helios? It's supposed to be the bomb!


Regarding Blu-Ray and HDDVD... I read a very interesting review of both technologies recently and according to the author Blu-Ray was hands down the winner in terms of performance, PQ and just about every other known category of judgement. The fact it is now backward compatible and has more storage capability probably makes it a slam dunk.
I just bought a Marantz 9600 and will just wait several years for Hi-Def DVD part 2.In the mean time I am grinning ear to ear with the picture and sound from the non-HD Marantz picture on my Fijitsu 50" and JM LAbs.