balthus makes an interesting observation.
I was reminded of this earlier this year when I was in Fredericton, NB visiting my daughter and decided to check out a used vinyl shop downtown.
I found a copy of Crime of the Century by Supertramp that looked in decent shape. I had the guy spin it up on their turntable (Rega & Red 2M). It sounded very good on the store’s system.
Once I got it home and cleaned it, I put it on and holy crap! I couldn’t believe the noise!? It’s unplayable on my system (modified Roksan Xerxes, modified RB300 arm, London Decca Super Gold cart, & Croft RIAA phono stage).
Some days I wonder if I wouldn’t be better off having a less resolving analog system?
I was reminded of this earlier this year when I was in Fredericton, NB visiting my daughter and decided to check out a used vinyl shop downtown.
I found a copy of Crime of the Century by Supertramp that looked in decent shape. I had the guy spin it up on their turntable (Rega & Red 2M). It sounded very good on the store’s system.
Once I got it home and cleaned it, I put it on and holy crap! I couldn’t believe the noise!? It’s unplayable on my system (modified Roksan Xerxes, modified RB300 arm, London Decca Super Gold cart, & Croft RIAA phono stage).
Some days I wonder if I wouldn’t be better off having a less resolving analog system?