Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Greetings from an exhausted Swedish guy.
So I moved in to our current house about 25 years ago, and at the time a cool deck made from red wood sounded like a great plan.....and it was for the longest time.

One day I woke up and decided I needed an additional dog, She's the best little doggie 
but she decided that peeing on the deck was way more comfortable then walking 
an additional ten feet like all my other dogs always did. Six years later things had spiraled out of control and no matter what I did, a certain odor made BBQ'ing a less than fun.
So by Mothersday I told my wife I would re-do the deck at some point....the IOU was 
pulled and now I'm doing deck duty,  way worse than building speakers I tell you.

Its great to see some movement in the thread and 14 + Million eyeballs is amazing.

Im getting a beer..........🇸🇪
Getting decked by deck duty requires beer(s)...;)

Either of ours would have gotten the garden hose therapy for that act. *L*  But boats get missed frequently.  Our f/m Pit/Plott is as smart as our M Border Collie/Bassett is dumb (but loyal...*G*).  She's the near perfect canine...his worst act is sucking on one of my bed pillows...

We've yet to figure out Why...and I'm wondering why Mine vs.Hers.  Some sort of misplaced affection, or just being as neurotic as his owners....*shrug*G*

Nice stuff, maps....enjoy. *S*
Oh...the M BC/B is handsome, spouse's 'eye candy' on a leash.  BC body, B coloration....and brain, therefore the rub.  *L*

The others in the litter, short stumpy legs.....no....

Been enjoying 'Downward Dog' on the tube.  And 'The Secret Life of Pets' is just what we'd suspected all along....

I always thought our cats would smoke my stash and listen to Elvis @ 10 when we were away...then purr @ us....little posers...
And I thought I was over using the nectar of the Gods (Espresso).
But in this case there might be something stronger then Espresso, and 
asvjerry is using it to its fullest strength (what ever it is) lol

I forgot the  image of the day, so here it is.
Almost done but my back and my poor poor fingers needed a few prescription
strength fun pills or I'll be up all night feeling sorry for my self.
And as you can see I do try to retain my hearing.

More soon my friends.....🇸🇪

*LOL*  Peter, by the Gawds I wish that were so....

Lately, just French Roast with a tad of Irish creme'...a nice mix of 'up & down', adult Nestles' Quik. ;)

Stir in some bad 'tude, some irony for temper control, mixed mssg. attempts at humor at no own's expense, and a general bemusement at the human condition to a refugee from LA and the Sixties.  You MIGHT end up with me, or something you'd rather approach with a cattle prod or a 12' pole. ;)

Oh...and add a desire to not buy the BS, when it should be free since it's so plentiful....

Good to see you're recycling lumber.  Keeps it from that 'new/raw' look, and it should be cheaper except for the labor.  Which is obviously taking it's toll. *G*  That's usually the trade-off...

Looking good..*S*

If faced with the same project, and a dose of time&$ (ever notice how those generally don't occur at the same time?), I'd add a weatherproof sub and a pair of line array columns that'd support an awning.  It'd beat the typical outdoor speakers, and I doubt that anyone has tried it...