Getting decked by deck duty requires beer(s)...;)
Either of ours would have gotten the garden hose therapy for that act. *L* But boats get missed frequently. Our f/m Pit/Plott is as smart as our M Border Collie/Bassett is dumb (but loyal...*G*). She's the near perfect canine...his worst act is sucking on one of my bed pillows...
We've yet to figure out Why...and I'm wondering why Mine vs.Hers. Some sort of misplaced affection, or just being as neurotic as his owners....*shrug*G*
Nice stuff, maps....enjoy. *S*
Either of ours would have gotten the garden hose therapy for that act. *L* But boats get missed frequently. Our f/m Pit/Plott is as smart as our M Border Collie/Bassett is dumb (but loyal...*G*). She's the near perfect canine...his worst act is sucking on one of my bed pillows...
We've yet to figure out Why...and I'm wondering why Mine vs.Hers. Some sort of misplaced affection, or just being as neurotic as his owners....*shrug*G*
Nice stuff, maps....enjoy. *S*