I have some news on an excellent amp for use with the Legacy speakers. I have been searching for an amp that is fast, with good control of bass lines and liquid smooth in the mids and highs. The trouble is that it has to be cheap. Fixed incomes are torture for us old folks that like good equipment. The amp that I found is a real jewel. It is an intergrated, 100 watt per channel, all tube unit from Jolida. The model is the JD-1000a. It uses 8 EL-84's, 2 12ax7's and 2 12at7's. It is all that I had hoped for. It is smooth, open, controled and detailed without rasp or metalic edginess. It works wonders on my Legacy Convergence and should be just the ticket for anyone with other models. Since I just got it, I have to spend more time with it and will go into more detail, providing anyoone wants to hear more about the amp. The sure sign of a good amp for me, is when the music just dosen't come out into the room and involve you. It is when each individual instrument seems to pull on you to bring you into the space of the soundstage that it is in. Kind of like the Vulcan "mind meld' that Spock used to pull off when he couldn't be satisfied with a just normal answer to stupid questions about the universe.