High Output MC Cartridge recommendations?

Hi everyone, first-time user here!

My vinyl system consists of the following:
Clearaudio Champion 2 Turntable
SME Series 300 Model 309 Tonearm
Sumiko Blackbird HOMC Cartridge
Audioquest Leopard Tonearm Cable
McIntosh C41 Audio Control Centre / Preamp
McIntosh MC2102 Valve Power Amp
Amphion Argon 7LS Floorstanding Speakers

Most of the components are about 10 years old. I bought the TT, tonearm and cartridge from a second-hand hifi dealer so I didn't have any involvement in matching the components etc.

Some years ago an over-zealous cleaner managed to snap off the cantilever from the Blackbird. I was very happy with the overall sound of the system so I went and bought another Blackbird. Sadly, however, the same thing has just happened again (in spite of a big PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH sign, but that's another story!)

So, rather than go to the expense of just replacing the Blackbird yet again, I thought this time I would do a bit of research into what other options might be available. Sorry for the long story, but has anyone got any recommendations for other HOMC cartridges I should be considering?

Cheers, Mike
Bummer about the cleaning crew - hopefully that problem has been eliminated!

I started my vinyl journey with a HO Blackbird and loved it.  Sounds like you enjoyed yours.  

I've had the bird. After crashing the cantilever, sent it to Soundsmith for the ruby makeover.

The bird sounded nicer to my ears than in its original form.

The new cantilever seemed to soften the sometimes shrill high end of the Bird.

I agree with WRM.  High output MI, and MMs too, have generally sounded better in my system than any of several well regarded HOMC cartridges. I keep meaning to sell off the HOMCs but never get around to it.

I have had great success with Denon 110 high output MC cartridge. It won’t have you crying if it is broken as you will be out of pocket only a fifth of the cost of the Suniko.

FWIW you have spent 5K on cartridges that got broken. I would recommend less expense on the cartridge and a higher investment in a speaker (to get more bang for the buck which seems to be your concern). Your speakers look aesthetically great but driving a 1 inch tweeter at 1600 Hz is going to sound great at low volumes but that is a hell of a load on a tweeter at higher volumes and it will compress/distort or simply dry out Ferrofluid fluid and burn up)