Avalon Acoustics Ascent MKii value?


I found someone who is selling these Avalon Acoustics Acent MKii speakers.  Giant, grey/silver.  And I simply have no idea where to start in terms of making hi an offer that is fair to him and leaves room for me to easily sell them for a profit.  Any tips or any resources where I can find out more information about valuing these would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
For both,

They are a good speaker but not avalons best and even though the new cost was about 25k They will be a tough sale used even if they are in very good shape.

The woodwork needs to be very good and all drivers working properly,you probably want to test them out.They also are a very heavy speaker weighing at least 130 lbs each.

Used speakers are really tough to sale.

Thanks for all of your help Kenny.  One more thing, you say wood work,  these are like all silver colored.  I am guessing they are wood but is that normal for these to be the color silver or does it tell you anything about the year?
I was  wrong on the weight they actually weigh 175lbs each,very heavy.

All the Avalon brand models normally have very nicely finished veneered woodwork,somebody must have painted the pair you are looking at,possibly to hide flaws.

This speaker was made in the early 90's,so they do have some age to them.Again I would proceed very carefully with this deal.

I'm not going to mention any brand names but just as a example that used speakers really lose there value,I have a 6 yr old pair of speakers that I'm going to be saleing this year, they are in really good shape and they are a popular speaker.I paid 14k new and I know I will be lucky to get $3500.00 for them.

They have to be something really rare to demand big money,That's just how it is unfortunately.

I hope I helped you avoid a costly mistake,

If I'm not mistaken Avalon Acoustics did finish some early models with a durable flat grey finish. There may be issues replacing some of the early drivers. Using the serial numbers one could email them for any serviceability issues and their original finish.