Nearfield listening

Does anyone use large speakers for nearfield listening? I read a lot about monitors for nearfield, but I use large speakers with good results.
I listen near filed with both a set of floor standers and monitors on stands. Sound stage is always better in the near field. A sony engineer who is heavily involved in doing mixing tells me all that is done on monitors in near field. So, apparently that is the sound being produced for the cd. Crazy.
I was using magnepan and put them aside for a new pair of usher 6371's. I like the 6371's much better especially up close. With the magnepans I could never just sit still and listen. I always wanted to keep moving them around but couldn't find the right positioning. This happened in every place I lived in all different types of rooms. Also, with medium to high powered amps. I felt like I was always observing the music from far away vs. being immersed like with the ushers. I guess I just like box speakers better. I did try numerous monitors for close listening but they always seemed too bright with no heft to the sound.
I purchased my pair of Clements RT-7's when there was a small cosmetic upgrade in the '88-'89 era.
Still the basic appearance you mentioned, but with beautiful Zebra Wood top and bottom caps, with an ambience opening in the front of the top cap above the special design ribbon tweeter.
Each relatively tall speaker came with an additional factory supplied heavy metal low stand, allowing for spikes to be between the stand and the floor.
The imaging and overall sound integration I hear is surprisingly fine even when only three feet in front of speakers spaced ten feet apart. I'm usually about four to five feet in front.
I think each listener has his own sense of when an adequate illusion of solid performers in three dimensional space is achieved.
I listen to Spendor LS3/5A's in another room so I am aware of how smaller monitor speakers can optimize the nearfield experience, minus the deeper bass.

Those Clements are awesome speakers. I remember a local hifi shop growing up carried them. What ever happened to Clements?
Phil Clements is still making speakers under both the Clements, and Solus names.
His company website,, shows one of the Solus architectural in wall/ceiling designs retaining his ribbon tweeter.
Not sure if his patented bass loading technique is still a current design feature in any of his current box speakers.