Tube Phono with Tube Integrated Amp?

what are the drawbacks (if any) of this setup?  

i recently acquired a VPI Prime (amazing) with a Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII.   using a ProJect Tube Box S (which was a phenomenal upgrade for my previous ProJect Carbon table).  right now, running this through a vintage Kenwood KA-9100, powering Elac UniFi's bookshelf speakers. 

i'm looking to build a 2 channel system that i can grow with, so please disregard the amp/speakers for now.  I've read great things about the Manley Chinook and the Allnic H1201.   in the event that i upgrade to a tube integrated amp in the future, is there any downside?
i've read on this forum that a tube phono is better paired with a solid state amp.  

There is no real downside to owning too many pieces of tube equipment, unless you consider tube maintenance/experimentation to be a bad thing.

Probably those that have said that a tubed phono preamp is better paired with a SS amp feel that way due to their speakers. Some speakers just mate better with SS amps.

I'm running a H1201 with my VPI Prime, and it works very nicely. The Chinook is also nice, as is the Zesto listed above, and don't forget about Herron.