Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
No experience with those particular amps but your plan is a sound one.

I'd start with the 90 w/ch arcam and see how that sounds first then if still desired 250w/ch or more of good quality Class D meaning robust power supply and high current delivery good down to 4 ohm would be a step up in most cases.  Benefits may be lesser in a  smaller room and/or lower volumes only.

Arcam is good stuff but most receivers and many integrated amps cannot match separates of the same power rating in regards to power suppl;y and current delivery with low distortion into lower impedances which matters to get the most out of the OHMs.  

rodm_2001:  I don't have any experience with these amps, other than hearing them briefly at shows or stores, and not with Ohms.  The only Class D amp I have used with my 2000s was the Arion Audio RS-500.  I liked them a lot, but it was a loaner pair and I was not amp shopping.  I use an Odyssey Audio HT3 (with cap upgrade) for my 2000s, and I love the combo.  But, this is with a pair of powered subwoofers, so the power demands of the 2000s is not as high as if they were run full range. 

Mapman uses bel canto Class D amps, and he seems to really like the combo with his Ohm 5s.

But, I would hold off on the amp purchase.  Try the Ohms with your receiver first, for at aleast a couple of weeks.  Then, if you think they are somewhat broken in and you still want more, try to get a more powerful amp that you can return, or borrow one from someone.  FWIW, I briefly hooked up my 2000s, without the subs, to an 80 watt per channel Onkyo receiver and was surprised by how little was lost when I went to the lower power and left out the subs.

Bondmanp and mapman,
Thanks for your quick inputs. your suggestions are spot on. I am going to play with the Ohm and Arcam combo for a few weeks and then decide if I really need more power.
Just did a quick research on the bel canto and sure enough it appears that they are also using a custom Hypex module, possibly the nCore NC1200 or the older UcD models.
From Mapman's experience with the bel canto and the fact that Ohm speakers are not very sensitive speakers (88db @ 2.8v ), Class D amps should be a good fit. 
Hi rodm...

You might get lucky and your integrated will be ok, but that's all it's going to be.
 I gurantee that you will need way more power and or current to have them come alive.
I do have a pair of 2000's on loan and I don't have a problem using 400-500w when playing 
loud or if I use a very dynamic cd. Just my 0.2 cents.
I did actually use a Marantz 130w per ch amp, and it fell on its face as soon as I cranked up the volume YMWV

More power always equals more fun.......🇸🇪
Hi Peter,
Yeah, I know what you mean. I am sure the 400W/channel mono blocks are going to be more fun and dynamic. I think to be fair to my wallet and to not get myself in trouble, I am going to hold off on the mono blocks until I get familiarized with my setup. meanwhile, I am going to do my homework and see what option will suite me and the wallet best.