Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?
It wasn't really mockery just good natured poking fun as the OP was extremely vague in the role of crystals.
A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. 
*L*  Well, we've obviously hit another of those 'MHO' walls...

You're right, geo....with the right 'viewer', one can 'see' RF. UV, EMF, and on through the alphabet soup of contractions.  If would be fascinating to set up a space to attempt to view the effect that crystals, brilliant or no, would have on audio wavefronts....

I'm just an annoying skeptic about claims made about 'things'....we live in an ad-verse world where claims are made about nearly anything that are intended to drive the product into our hands and the cash out of our pockets.   This car, that hair product, our beer, your health or lack of it....

".....I'm a nasty, narrow-minded jade...You think that I might smile at it, I'm not a weak-willed hypocrite....I'll say...I'm Bored."

*L*  Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, song by that name....

Not to belittle you, or anyone else about their perceptions about anything they hear regarding anything they're using to create such.  I just may not notice it....due to bad ears, bad brain, bad attitude, or just drank the wrong Kool-Aid and didn't get religion....

Sorry...lets' go have a beer and discuss how damn annoying reality is.  No one seems to get that right, either...IMHO...;)