
While I am in the hospital recovering from a hip operation, my wife tells there was a fire in my music room and all the components are covered in soot.
Does anyone know if equipment is recoverable after being covered by soot?
This is a vintage system with many modifications and can't be replaced

Well,  I got my room, media and equipment back intact.  It cost $5000 (which insurance paid) just to rehabilitate the smoke damage to my equipment, but it came back as good as ever! Very lucky.
All the records and CDs are awaiting the installation of the shelves before they return.  I have a couple of cartons back to listen to in the meantime.
So, the "disaster" could have been much worse, particularly since no one got hurt.
if the room is large enough it could maybe be rebuilt with a false front wall - like a recording studio to eliminate baffle effects

you can certainly do some things to deaden the walls too
It's now been about five months since I had the fire and began the posts.
 Well, the room is now beautiful with a twenty foot wall of empty built in CD and record shelves.  The equipment survived in great shape and sounds as good as ever.
However, I just got my CDs and records back from storage and have dozens!!  of cartons taking up much of a very large room. I now have to go through the cartons and organize.  It will probably take weeks.
Good to read about your recovery- rvpiano,

I would love to see pics of your new space. I am working on a similar project for built-in CD racks/shelves.  Feel free to PM me if needed.

Happy Listening!
Jafant: How do you PM on this site?

Right now my room looks like a warehouse.
when I'm finished with shelving the 1000s of CDs and records I'll send you a picture.  Might be a while.