Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?
Props to you @noromance for the apology. That's showing some strong character! I get your point though, but you probably could have stated it a bit differently or with more tact/subtlety​.
Randy - my main problem is your over generalizations. I personally have biochemistry  and education degrees. And yet you seem to assume that I'm a wooly headed thinker who just believes what I want without evidence or theory. Or at least that's what your post seemed to imply. I'm not bothered, but it's better to use myself as an example..

My thought process, though, is not known to you, so you have no way of knowing if I'm uncritically jumping in to the crystal pool or if I'm suggesting we keep an open mind as this discussion unfolds.

As rightfully critical as you are of blind acceptance of possibly dubious claims, you should also beware the calcification of joy that an overly objectivist and critical outlook can cause. 
I just could not find any constructive way to make any comments in this thread without controversy or creating animosity, even though it has fascinated me to no end!!

However, as to Randy's audiophile assertion requirements...I double majored undergrad engineering and biology (with my senior thesis on nearfield and Fairfield sound underwater), got a masters and PhD in Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology( with Neru means lots and lots of electronics, computers, sensation analysis etc and a Doctoral thesis on psychoactive and autonomic effects of the Tetrohydrocannabinols), and a MD and residency with research training in Anesthesiology, so all boxes ticked, AND I still consider myself a very novice audiophile compared to many here who spend their lives in direct, daily, continuing contact with state of the art products, new processes and evolving mediums. I believe in most cases that is more important, given a at least a basic understanding of the science, rather than a deep understanding that I have, without daily immersion in audio.

And I guess I do have to add to this thread there is a reason that most scientific studies involving humans and responses are double blinded! AND INCLUDE A PLACEBO TO ASCERTAIN THAT EFFECT.. BG...
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Oooo.. northern, you just said double blind. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave. 😁