Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
If you have extremely cheap cables with minimal insulation, and if you have a lightweight suspended wooden floor you might hear some slight changes. I tried various devices years ago and concluded that on a concrete or other solid floor, the differences are inaudible with good cables, barely audible with very cheap ones. As you go up to better cables you will get progressively less benefit. Thats my 2c worth.
I think it's a good idea, and I have been using my own homemade ones for years. Take some PVC pipe, any gauge that fits your cables, and cut it into 4 inch sections. Now, slice those sections in half, and use PVC brush on cement to cement the top of each half circle back to back. They set instantly, and they look good, and are so stable on the floor. I can't swear that it changes the sound for the better, but it keeps them away from dust bunnies, and I have heard that it also keeps them away from static charges on rugs. As one member said, they are also useful for separating power cables that are close to one another. and two of them cradle and lift my power strip.

Geoff has as comrade in arms with Teo weighing in on the question raised by the OP.  I hear nothing but pablum from the two of them.  Kooky nonsense, really.  However, if there is some benefit from elevating speaker cable, then get a saw and cut up some 2X4's with a notch to elevate cable and see if it is worthwhile.  I see lots of rooms at audio shows that use pricey cable elevators so maybe there is some benefit to it.  Try the no-cost approach first to see if there is some benefit to the elevation process.  Frankly, I have a life to live and cable elevation is not an audio anxiety with which I choose to engage.  However, a discussion of the sonic differences between NOS tube variants, yes, that is a worthwhile discussion.  My carpet-dwelling speaker cables make my system sing.   Relaaaax and enjoy the music.  Cheers,Whitestix
So much dust and debris collects on a floor even with good housekeeping, and cables are expensive. You wouldn't store a favorite sweater on the floor, so why not raise the cables, if only to keep them clean?