Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?
Well... it works... I challenge you to try it.

I use an alum crystal suspended in front of each speaker.

I then train a vaporizer on each crystal.

And I shoot a spray of Apple Cider Vineagar across the fog from the vaporizers at a 90 degree angle in front of the speakers - I use plain old water pistols to shoot the spray - works fine.

Result is: just phenomenol sound from both speakers and sometimes even a little lightning bolt when the air pressure and due point are just right.

Very compelling!

But... I must confess... your wife will have a lot of fun with it.  She gets very sarcastic when I get out my crystals, vaporizers, pistols... and... my ion gun to clean my records.  I've tried to convince her that its all in the sound... you're not supposed to see anything.  Well, of course... except for the occasional lighting bolt - she likes that.
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