Herron 1A,, Herron 2A, Modwright LS100 or Aesthetix Calypso?

I have narrowed down my pre choices to these. I would like to hear what opinions there are, maybe even from actual owners. I have owned a Shrimp and BAT VK3ix in the past. I definitely want to take a step up. The Calypso is at the top of my budget. I am not able to audition any, just buy and hope I made the correct choice. If it matters, my amp is a Rogue stereo 90 magnum. I am currently using the Eximus DP-1 DAC/Pre and a Salk Streamer tied to Aerial 8 speakers. Obviously I will have to pursue a DAC as well.
I owned a BAT VK 30 and didn't care for it.  I had a Calypso about 8 years ago and regrettably sold it to try an integrated.   Ended up going back to separates and got a decent deal on a used Calypso Signature with good NOS tubes and have had it for approx. 4 years with no issues.   I have no interest in trying other preamps.  The Calypso and Calypso Sig. when tubed properly are hard to beat.  

I've heard good very things about Herron, but have not tried them.  It's a brand that seems to fly under the radar, but has a loyal following.

I've owned two Modwright digital sources and found them to be decent, but not good enough to keep.