Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.

Audio components -
Fostex TH900 - WA7
Price: Below 1600$.
Genres: Electronic/Metal

@helomech every clone of SL1200mk2 ever made is sh**t (IMO), sorry. I use a pair of SL1200mk2 for more than 20 years as a pro, and my feelings of using Pioneer is slightly different, nothing can beat the SL1200mk2 in its class, no matter the heavier the deck itself or not, this is the only turntable in the history that you can find in any club - this is a working horse with some weakness (you’re right about it), but it can be easily fixed with a little investment (the full rewire is the easiest thing to do and number 1 in upgrade list for this deck).

I have used that new Pioneer and it’s ok for professional use and it was made for professional use to replace discontinued SL1200 series for deejays, but it is a clone of the Technics standard and i prefer the upgraded original SL1200mk2 if we’re talking about cheap DD turntables. I also have SP20, SP10mk2 etc.

It would be much better if the Pioneer would release a new version of their own design (Pioneer PL-70 II) instead a clone (in terms of design) of the SL1200mk2. Pioneer is no longer an audiophile brand, it’s pro oriented company. The vintage Pioneer PL-70 II is a properly designed turntable, not their top of the line model, but looks very similal to the best they have ever made. I would support this 70s design instead of the bad clones of the Technics design everyone tried to copy nowadays.

I can’t agree that SL1200 is a cheaper feeling deck than new Pioneer, i think the Pioneer is a cheaper feeling deck, but maybe you’re not get used to the Technics as i am during the 20 years of using them on the radiostations, clubs and at home. This Pioneer made for the next generation, but not for those who grew up with SL1200mk2 like myself. There are many other vintage turntables much better than Sl1200mk2 and much better than new Pioneer. I just don’t like the design of the 99% new turntables, i would "kill" those designers because they can’t learn from the classics, they just makes ugly decks.
A second hand VPI HW MK IV can be had for under $1K

I've owned an HW for 32 years: the MK II for 25, and then the MK IV.

I have it set up with a Sumiko MMT and a Koetsu Onyx.

You can get a Jelco arm for $550, and then whatever cartridge suits you (except Grado, which is incompatible with that arm). 

Many people prefer the looks of the Pioneer. Personally, I think the black angel hair finish of the plinth is much more attractive than the Technics Silver. The tonearm also has a more attractive finish.
I'm not a DJ, however, I would think DJs might prefer the superior torque (another fact) ability of the Pioneer...maybe not.
Also, where can you get a like-new SL1200 for $699? Some people like the idea of having a warranty and clean cosmetics. 

Everytime someone mentions a PLX-1000 on these threads, the Technics owner brigade feels the need to sling false claims about these tables, like you did regarding the mass. They also feel the need to slander the Pioneer on a purely subjective basis, claiming the Technics is better without citing facts or reasons. It's like you Technics owners can't stomach the existence of this $699 look-alike table, as though it's a threat to your manhood. 
It's funny though, I never see Pioneer owners getting bent out of shape when someone recommends a Technics. 

Like a timepiece, difference between a 10$ one and a 10,000$ one is your ego .