Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
I use a high-end integrated tube amp, not mono blocks so I need longer speaker cables... for those, I have 8 foot AntiCables which have a very thin insulation painted on. (I’d like shorter cables, but I am otherwise delighted with my setup.) The AntiCables sound great, on or off the wood floor. (There is a large oriental rug between the speakers and the listener, but not under the cables.) When I raise the cables (they are quite stiff) using only 3 or 4 re-purposed glass-insulators there is a slight but detectable improvement in the clarity of sound (or "blackness" in quiet). It is quite subtle, so I think the AntiCables are a winner for matching Avalon speakers with an Ayon tube amp. I have a great system and am pretty happy, so sometimes I use the glass risers but often not.

The logic behind this is pretty straight forward, the amount of insulation on wire is said to"smear" the sound. I believe that effect is less with the AntiCables to begin with (minimal insulation), and less on my wooden floor than on an otherwise carpeted floor. I understand that different materials affect this dialectic effect more or less. I read frequently that natural materials generally have an advantage over manmade ones, such as most wall-to-wall carpets. You can clue-in that plastics might present a problem just by the static charges that can develop under dry conditions.

A few years back, I bought a mess of old glass insulators that formerly were used on telephone poles to hold bare electric wires. EBay has several sellers, these things work well and they look uber cool versus special risers, which are more expensive. You could also use little notched blocks of wood, if woodworking is your hobby, or any number of other things (such as a coke bottle with a rubber band to hold the speaker cable fast. The point is, it can be trivial to test the concept before you commit yourself to enriching an accessory maker. Easy to try, you might find it is beneficial. I expect YMMV, depending on your speaker cables and your floor materials. ...claiming it is nonsense without actually trying it is bogus and demonstrates that something else is at work in your personality.

the idea that the amount of insulation on wire is said to"smear" the sound is not logic

and definitely not electronics or physics

Do as the poster above said - monoblocks with short runs of cable to each speaker - if that is too expensive then use your time wisely by moving speakers and building room tmts.
from what I read... it may or may not effect the sound quality...  it all depends on what cables you are using... first, carpet does produce static... for people who use unshielded cables would benefit from cable lifters ...  people who use shielded cables most likely don't need the lifters...
geo, it's like being a moth drawn to the street light....;)

Absolutely fascinating....but not in the way you might think....

I'm going to make some popcorn....see how long can this go on...*G*