Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
That's easy. I've owned many speakers, practically get a new set every few months(, mostly lower-fi...). But the speakers that I will always have are an old pair of Cerwin Vegas that I bought when I was fourteen(first stereo with an old marantz reciever, heaven!, remember?). They are 10" two way boxes made of solid oak (fourty pounds each- at least). I have resupplied them many times- focal, vifa, scanspeak, currently dynaudio. They are my meat and potato speakers, take what ever I give them, kind of like an old dog. They are like family. Need I say more?
I have Klipschorns that I purchased new in 1971! The only change has been relacing the networks a few months ago. The old oil caps had slowly lost some of thier edge, it was however not noticed until scoping them along side the spec charts. Speakers are like the the front end of a system, a transfomer of median. Think about it, turning electric current into sound waves. A tall order than can and is subject to each persons taste. Find your taste, and go with it.
Dynaudio 1.3SE's. I sold them and regret it. Someday, I'll pick up another pair. I went to Proac 2.5's and then Talon Peregrine X's which are both great speakers which I love but the sweet highs of the 1.3SE's are memorable.
Owned them for 24 years, but not listening to them because the foam surrounds wore out with age. Going to re-build them with identical (as close as possible) drivers if replacing surrounds doesn't work.

Sweet sound, wide sweet spot, open airy sound stage, great dynamics, clean bass, blah, blah.

Love these things. Haven't heard anything close in style of sound. Not for everyone, but worth a listen if you ever get a chance, especially if driven with several hundred watts of clean power.

You'll love this. I inherited a pair of 3-way transmission lines with only the woofer being used, as subs for a pair of Magnepans, in 1977. I converted them to a 2-way with KEF T27s & B110s, no additional woofer, own design crossover. Due to space considerations, I went to diy BBC style 2-way monitors for a few years. I revived the lines and made them 3-ways with Audax tweeters, Vifa P13MH 5" mids and Madisound 8" woofers. Current configuration is Morel MDT-40 tweeters, same Vifa mids and Vifa woofers, my own evolutionary crossovers. I listen to all types of music, and they accurately reflect the quality of the input. Highs and mids clear and stress-free, only bass when there's bass, from clean to thunderous with that transmission line ambience.