Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
Zar .. Common thread here. "Nay sayers" and proponents.

1 major distinction in the diagnostic is whether you have a system of sufficient finesse or sonics to distinguish the benefit.

Personally I recognized the science for the benefit (by way of 1/4" static zaps) but I chose to experiment w/the wooden 2x4" model on carpet .. works great! Is 4" to high or to low? Got wooden floors? maybe entirely different. All I know some aspects sounded better with the cables lifted and oriented with some thought to signal paths.

NaySayers quoting science simply are ill informed about the simple electro dynamics of carpet static (again wood floors not tried).
Proponents often forget that while "tweaks" make a difference, we often forget that the person we may be responding to is trying to milk the most out of an Optimus?Radio Shack receiver & speakers (vs a BAT/Essence super system).

BUT the enthusiasm/pursuit for better musical enjoyment is no different .. as I journeyed thru Sylvania, Pioneer, Vector Research, SAE, VSP Labs, Counterpoint etc, each step had more critical signal paths that respond to delicate changes in signal.
Those changes (along with alittle wine, a great recording) and badabada bing you got a great listening session that leaves you smiling inside.
I made about 13 cable lifters for about $15.  I used some clear 1 x 3 boards cut into 4 inch sections.  Three are used for each lifter and I held then in place with  2 GRK 1 1/2 inch panel screws that have a built in washer.  These are similar to the ones on the Michael Green Audio site.  A little sanding and stain and you have a cheap alternative to expensive lifters.
and if someone wants to put $300 lifters under their $3000 cables,  so be it...
I personally believe there are certainly more important things to focus on to realize system improvements than 100.00 fuses and keeping cables off the ground. I have witnessed some philes directing too much attention on factors that realize less benefit than other  tweaks that IMO would be more beneficial. Room treatments, speaker placement vibration isolation would be among them. In my experience, at the recommendation of my dealer as recommended emphatically by the speaker cable, ic manufacturer a physicist BTW for whatever it's worth, just do it says he. I did and clearly noted greater clarity it wasn't a leap of faith to hear this . Quite simple, out of wood to match my equipment rack. Didn't cost me anything but time.  Enjoyed your comments teoaudio. 
@tubegroover right on. There is no doubt that tweaks like this come in after room treatment, speaker placement, isolation/coupling.. in fact, I'd wager that, if you haven't sorted those issues, you'll probably not even be able to notice differences created by tweaks.