Best copy of Wish You Were Here

What is the best-sounding vinyl pressing of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here?
Having dozens of WYWH issues on vinyl, it was very interesting to compare them face to face. Obviously most US 1-st LP presses sound different to UK 1-st presses (in terms of rock music at least), but in a case of WYWH, that difference is not so much surprisingly.
Both are have a very good low bass definition, full of vibrations and very delicate highs.
It seems, that even more interesting on that LP to make comparison between new and vintage cartridges, it`s real pleasure to feel that difference. Think, the magnet systems inside vintage MC cart, make a big deal. 
Just adding an interesting fact regarding the "Hot Stamper" reference.

My local record store has had "scouts" from the HS camp, going thru the bins. 
This was several years ago.

Yes, some of those  $400 copies are indeed, $6 buck, regular presses.
That guy has a great business model, for those who afford it. No different than any other service, if you're willing to pay for it. Buy 5 copies for cheap, ultrasonic cleaning and one of those copies is likely to stand out.

I listen to the same  amazing albums he decribes on the website. Difference being $394 and my system isn't on the same level. Just as "tubey" as he likes to describe things.

I have a fabulous run of the mill Columbia, and IMO sounds more convincing to what I believe is the most recent reissue(purchased 6 years ago?)

Rock reissues always  seem to play with pumped up bass. Maybe a good thing for a Best Buy budget rig?