Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
If your family is into collectable figurines, just borrow some and put them to good use. You can always rationalize it by saying they're serving a higher purpose and that it saves money.

All the best,
How about little statues of Hercules or Atlas? Or little statues of a javelin thrower and remove the javelins? Statues of Liberty?

Hercules, yes. While out for my morning walk, he was the first thing to come to mind. Just notch out a space for the cable at the top of the world and you’re set.

Or, if classical music is your thing, busts of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, etc. can hold those cables high with their period coifed hair.

Heck, you can even use garden gnomes.

All the best,
Cables, if they’re in the same room as the speakers, will vibrate anyway…lifted or not, unless maybe they’re completely encased in venting ducts packed with spring loaded mattress foam (I’m selling those for $1,552 a linear inch). I won’t put little bridges under my cables because I think it’s simply another lame pseudo tweak, and vibration to a normal degree (earthquakes, nearby mortar explosions, and starting an unmuffled motorcycle near your rig all would qualify as "abnormal" vibration) does’t bother anything except the anal retentive brains of those who firmly think it does…do you realize there are cables in your speaker boxes being subjected to massive amounts of allegedly dangerous vibration? Those poor little defenseless wires saying "Hep me…hep me"...