Monitor Audio Silver 8 - Power Handling

I have a question regarding the power handling of the Silver 8s.  I am using a Emotiva EPA-2 Get 2 amp which is rated 300w/ch for 8ohm and 500w/ch 4ohm.  The Silver 8s indicate power handling of up to 200 I in danger of putting too much power through to them?  I've had them now for about 9 months with no issues but certainly don't want to create a problem. 


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How loud do you play your music?  How far is your listening position? Maybe you can get a decibel meter and find out?  You are likely only using a few watts with 90 db speakers at a level that won't harm your hearing (below 85 db).  
I typically listen to orchestral listening position is 6ft from each speaker.  The room is about 24x12 with a 15 foot ceiling.  When I 'critically' listen it's usually between -25 and -20 on my Emotiva XSP-1 preamp...but I'm not really sure what that means (read many various explanations).  I do need to get an SPL meter...the free app I downloaded was all over the place. 
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