
While I am in the hospital recovering from a hip operation, my wife tells there was a fire in my music room and all the components are covered in soot.
Does anyone know if equipment is recoverable after being covered by soot?
This is a vintage system with many modifications and can't be replaced

Good to read about your recovery- rvpiano,

I would love to see pics of your new space. I am working on a similar project for built-in CD racks/shelves.  Feel free to PM me if needed.

Happy Listening!
Jafant: How do you PM on this site?

Right now my room looks like a warehouse.
when I'm finished with shelving the 1000s of CDs and records I'll send you a picture.  Might be a while.

I will send you the PM. Simply reply to it.  Hope you are well and getting acclimated to your gear, cds/lps and listenig room.  Happy Listening!