Which server / renderer to buy?

I listen mostly to rock and jazz using a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with KT120 power tubes.  I listen to both vinyl and digital.  My digital streams my music library or Tidal via ethernet CAT6a from my iMac to a W4S modified SONOS Connect thru a Schiit Audio Gungnir Multi-bit ("Gumby") DAC.  My speakers are Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S with a Paradigm sub.  My room is 17' x 24', but I listen close up - 10' from the speakers / speakers 3' from the wall.  I'm considering an upgrade of the SONOS because I would like to stream hi-res and have greater capacity (my library is larger than the SONOS metadata capacity).  I'm thinking about the Aurender N100H.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
I asked the same question about upgrading sonos and called Wyred4sound about it.

Dont waste your money on upgrading old technology that does not support 24 bit and after using Roon is an poor interface. 

i went with a microRendu +LPS-1 linear power supply.  I use Roon as my media library.  Nothing comes close ton competing with Roon.  The microRendu connects to the Schitt Yggy -> Prima Luna HP -> Aerial Acoustic 5T with a m&k sub.    Could not be happier and music is like being in front of the performer.

Hope that helps.  

PG62- I've been looking in the same realm as you.  Not solving your "problem" here but I think I'm gonna hold out for the new wyred 4 sound server/streamer that is coming out this summer.  I enjoy their products and expect big leaps in interface quality over previous ms-1 they make.  It streams, rips CDs, serves, renders and is roon-ready.  Seems like a good all-in-one option.  I value simply and fewer "boxes" in my system.  Happy hunting.  Josh
I’m going to throw in my two cents and suggest you seriously consider experimenting with any of the new crop of DACs for Raspberry Pi such as the HiFiBerry.

I think the high-end community is slow to adopt, and resistant to, newer technology that doesn’t have at least four digits in the price tag. And I tend to understand that, having seen a bunch of crappy equipment come and go over the years.

However, I think for the investment of under a hundred bucks, you might find yourself very surprised by the performance of something like the DAC+Pro (in fact, they just released an XLR version) to render your bits to analog. There’s a wide variety of software to choose from, including JRiver. I’m running Moode right now, but Volumio is also very good.

Here’s a post I made over at the MartinLogan Owners forum that you may find of interest: CLICKY

As to the metadata, it’s a matter of what you use when ripping your collection and from which database the information is pulled. Opinions are all over the map in terms of which software and source of data is best for this purpose, but the upside of a solution like the HiFiBerry is that you’re not forced to use what the vendor chooses.

Anyway, why not give it a shot? I think you’ll be very surprised by the results.

Hope this helps!