Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

An attractive feature of the Antipodes DX is the integration of a CD reader mechanism. Does anyone know if Aurender may be planning to introduce a similar feature on some upcoming/future server models?

Regards, G.


Not sure if they will.  Haven't heard that that's in the works.  I know someone who would know and report back after we get back from Mexico.  Matt, I can talk for free if you are around.  I was told to put the new Melco into that mix.  Was told this new upgrade or new unit (whatever it's called) is a leap from what the old one was.  I knew this was going to happen with all the servers you and we listen to.  I think in three years we will go back to these pages and shake our heads in amazement as to how far we have come!  I'm so bummed that the Melco can't use Room, although they said there is a work around if set up on the network to rip etc..if you use one of the NUC's out there.  Personally I was waiting on the Room one that was just released as a friend got to hear it before release and raved about it.  

The Melco easily hooks up to a ripping device (bulk or one at a time) and has bit perfect software like all the other rippers.  

I know someone who has heard the SG top of the line (is that the unit Matt?) at various shows he's had his own gear at and loved it.  The problem then becomes cost and is now the right time to drop the dough on servers?  I think with DAC's we are getting better and better also, but servers are still way behind the curve and we need to let companies shake things out to see who will be left standing and able to support the products for the future.  Those are just my own thoughts.

I have Steve Nugent old server as many in this thread know and still feel it's as good or better than anything I've heard to date.  Matt, I swear I will get down  and bring it with me and we'll even get Johnny to bring over the Ayre QX5/20 to play with.  I will need to do an overnight to do this semi properly.  I need to call Steve and find out if it will hurt the sound if I put it on the net so that I can use Roon with it and also be able to rip using the XLD software he has loaded on it.  It's a Mac Mini so maybe some of you guys know.  If I set it up on my ethernet router, can I use an iPad or phone to control it somehow?  He has me running everything through Amara and all the high res/well recorded music is in iTunes, so I don't see how, but I am clueless at times about these things.  I'm sure there are others in this thread who may have a similar question.  

Can't wait for you to get your DAC Matt. ;)
AbeDirov - I already set all Roon to minimalist settings. Thanks. According to the forums, Roon and HQPlayer seam to be the two most respected players Antipodes sound wise. But HQ still requires a computer (still not sure I understand that). I have found that the Antipodes is VERY stable with power outages and brownouts compared to the Aurender, which is huper sensative to deep power fluctuations.

July 19th burn in ends. So that's when the sound-off will occur....

Guido - according to the guy's at the shows and their reps, Aurender's product line-up is stable for quite some time and they have no intention of adding an internal CD spinner considering how easy it is to connect through the internet to a computer where you can do your ripping. I have to admit it's a nice feature and I would welcome a dedicated USB port on the back able to recognize an external CD spinner for rips.

Peter - happy to hear the Melco. Maybe you know someone to make that happen.

Reports are that my Davinci will be shipping next week.
Johnny is a Melco dealer, but had problems setting things up in the beginning and I am not sure he is really selling them.  I'll ask as I do have interest in one potentially, especially if I can just use my mac mini on the net to run Roon with it.
I am certain there was a new Aurender unit shown at Munich which incorporated a CD ripper.  I can't come up with the source but I will keep looking.