The only speakers worth owning are those that are accurate in reproducing the original signal fed them.
And that means only Thiel or Vandersteen. ALL others are NOT accurate and LOSE much of that information by losing harmonics that are contained in the TIMBRE of instruments.
I don't care what you spend, it does not matter in the least. There are only these two manufacturers and that is it.
Stereophile promotes speakers that are INACCURATE. Thos e that have the mid driver inverted phase wise are FOOLING themselves and EVERYONE else. You CANNOT invert the harmonic content of the timbre of instruments and expect them to ve accurate. And eveyone's EARS can hear this!
All those mentioned above except for these two makers of speakers, and those who think they are hearing good, accurate sound, are sorely mislead in this hobby.
Why any of you would want a speaker that doesn't replicate accurately the signal coming from your upstream components is completely beyond me, but then it's YOUR money and EARS.
Nuff said.