Looking for vintage system suggestions (maranta, klipsch, etc...)


I am new here, and am looking to purchase my first ever home stereo! I am VERY new to this world, so please forgive my ignorance about everything!

I do know that I want a vintage stereo, whose primary purpose is to play vinyl. I love the aesthetics, sound, and mojo of a vintage system.....and stylistically it works with my house. I am just about settled on finding a vintage Marantz 2270 or 2275. I see there are many on eBay, etc. Can anybody recommend an upgraded/restored unit for me to look at?

Speakers. I am looking at floorstanding speakers. I love the LOOK of vintage speakers, and am considering something vintage from Klipsch. Primarily looking at Heresy or Forte. Would these work well with a 2270 or 2275? Are there other, better choices that also have that mid century modern look? Or am I better of spending the big bucks for something new with vintage aesthetics (new Klipsch, etc.)

Turn Tables. I’d like vintage, but want to start with something simple. Plus, I think i will have spent the majority of my budget on the receiver and speakers. Looking at U Turn Audio tables....may upgrade in the future. Any thoughts? Better choices? Is vintage better?

I will most be listening to folk, jazz, classic rock, etc....nothing too heavy!

My budget is about $2500....a tiny bit of flexibilty, but want to keep it in that range...

Thanks in advance!

Though I am a bit of a Klipsch "fanboy", I do appreciate great sound and many other mfr’s can do it right.

With that said, a Marantz 2270 or 2275 will mate very well with a pair of Heresys. Though not technically(height wise) floorstanders, Heresys offer a very efficient, dynamic, and punchy presentation that mates well with 25w tube amps as well as 200w/ch SS amps. I drove a pair of Heresy I’s and Quartets for quite some time with a Marantz 2252B and the combinations were wonderful. The 70’s Marantz are on the "warmish" side of neutral that tames the often described "brittleness" or "strident" treble that IMO Klipsch doesn’t fully deserve. I now drive my Heresy I’s and and Heresy II’s with NAD and Cambridge Audio.

As far as vintage Klipsch floorstanders, look also at Quartets, forte’s II’s, and Chorus I & II’s. Your budget of $2500.00 is plenty big to find a very nice all vintage rig that will bring you tons of enjoyment.

Head over to the Klipsch forum where there is gobs of knowledge about this genre and quite a few things for sale that might catch your eye.


Just reread and noticed you mentioning new gear with vintage looks.  The Yamaha A-S1000, 2000, 1100, and 2100 integrateds definitely fit that category but may blow your budget a bit if you opt for models that have the cool retro meters(1100, 2100, 3000).


Any interest in buying new equipment that has the vintage look and sound?

Outlaw RR2160 @ $800

Pro-ject Classic 25th Anniversary turntable w/ cartridge @ $1100

Wharfedale 80th Anniversary Denton Speakers @ $500


I have gone the restore the vintage Marantz receivers route (2216 and 2240) years ago with very competent technicians and each cost small fortunes and only lasted a few years with power supplies failing, etc.

I have had the previous generation Outlaw receiver (2150) for the last 11 years and it is a stellar receiver with a tuner on par with either of the vintage Marantz receivers.  I have it paired with the Wharfedale Dentons and it has the modern take on the warmish vintage-ish sound that I was after.


I have restored vintage Sansui, Marantz, Pioneer and other equipment for quite some time.  I'm in my office right now listening to music (and working if my boss is on line) though a vintage Sansui QRX 5500 receiver and some B&W speakers via my computer's iTunes or a Pioneer Elite PD65 CD Player.

I love the sound.  The restored Sansui sound great. 

I repaired to receiver. It wasn't working at all.  Then cleaned all the pots and switches extensively. They get very noisy so cleaning is mandatory.  no blown caps, etc.  I looked.  Cap replacement is only necessary if there was extensive use and heat and if they show signs of wear.  Don't fix something that isn't broken.

The Marantz 2252B receiver I restored sounds great also.  I think the Sansui sounds better slightly. 

Not only does this type of vintage equipment sound great, but the ones with wood grain surround panels look absolutely great.  I remove the old wood grain surround and completely sand it and re-stain it and they look great.

Same with the Pioneer Elite equipment with the wood sides. They look and sound great.

A pair of working Klipsch speakers (KG-4 or Forte II) and you are good to go.  Just make sure the foam surround is in good shape.

Pioneer Elite PD65, DV09, DV79AVi used as CD players or transports and you can't beat them for anything under $2000 now.  And you can buy these for a few hundred dollars each. 
