Mint lp best tractor for VPI Classic

Does anyone in the SF Bay Area have a Mint best tractor for a VPI Classic 1 that I can borrow/rent/buy from?  

OK, I’ve got the diagram, some corrections.
VTA is commonly referred to as the relationship of the stylus to the record - as in 92 degrees. What is actually being set is SRA.
I read that the cantilever to cart body was SRA. Not so, my fault.
VTA as defined - a line from stylus contact area to suspension pivot point, included angle to record surface - seems nonsensical since no-one can measure it. But there it is.
What I wrote about VTA is "Assuming the manufacturers strive for proper VTF and VTA with the cart level, a parallel cart is as good a reference starting point as you’re going to get". That point goes for Azimuth too and has nothing to do with nomenclature.
There’s a difference between nomenclature errors and misunderstanding the relationships involved. Please pardon my prior usage. My understanding is just fine.

P.S. - cleeds,

I followed your link and the SRA is shown measured to the wrong side of the stylus. Surprised you didn’t catch that. Here’s a proper reference:


@wlutke how funny! Also in the same reference @cleeds linked to the picture showing a measurement of VTA is weird - 27degrees would be way off for VTA in anyone’s book ...

luckily for me it's quite easy to see the pivot point for my cartridge as the coils are exposed
jjss49 - I already have the dual pivot, however, you must make sure the azimuth (actually every parameter) is as close as you can possibly get it. By the way - the dual pivot is a very audible improvement.