Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Not sure about for life, but I tend to hang onto gear rather than selling it. So I still have my KLH-5's from 1968. That's a lifetime for many! My Vandersteen 3's date from 1992. My Magneplanar 1.6's I've had since 2000. There have been others in and out, but these are long-term relationships, and I appreciate them all. Doesn't mean I think any of them are great, but they each have a point of view on the music that I appreciate.

My main focus these days has been on the Magneplanars. I've actively bi-amped them with tube amps, added Mye stands, directly connected the drivers to my tube amp outputs with super-short wires... modded to the hilt and every step has brought new insights. Fun stuff, this hobby.

I've got an Eico HF81 that's in search of the right speakers. Oh, I've had it since 1971 (as a gift from my uncle, who bought it factory wired in 1959-60). Guess I'll post it as a question to the forum.

this thread has made me want to listen to more speakers! I admire the passion particularly of the Apogess owners (gotta check out the new North Creek ribbon: George Short used to be a designer at Apogee). I really need to hear some Green Mountain Audio stuff. And the JMR Offrande which i know I can't afford. Good stuff!
I cant imagine parting with my AR-9's. That said, in the end i would keep the ADS L-810. In a side-by-side A/B comparison the 9's easily best the 810's by a wide margin, but the 810's have a euphonic quality about them that is pleasing.
Ohm Acoustics has been in business for over forty years. Notice how many of their speakers you find offered for sale here or anywhere else. Check out such reviews as can be found. Check out the prices and services. No abuse of the term 'unique' here.
EZ! JBL 250Ti's 1st edition w the statement crossovers. Circa 1985. Serious potential in those big boxes! Move xover outside, upgrade wiring, reinforce & brace box(triple the back panel to start) so it is truly 'inert' (mine now weigh 490 lbs each), felt the front, add a couple of bypass caps & a stable base. Fabulously detailed, dynamic & musical 'full range' speakers for classical & jazz lovers.