Vintage DIN phono cables, any good?

The question is about old DIN tonearm phono cables for the top of the line vintage Japanese tonearms. 
I wonder how good those old cables are compared to the mid priced new cables ?

For example an old Audio Craft, SAEC, Fidelity Research, SONY  cables made for their top of the line tonearms are good? It's easy to replace an old RCA connectors, but what about the cables? Some of them are silver and must be a good quality. 

Any thoughts? 
Well, in my 40, i’m not on the same high-end levels as you gentelmans to hear the difference between two good RCA connectors, i’ve never done such tests. When i first checked that review, many years ago, i decided to buy both (Eichman and Xshadow) to make some cables for myself, the Eichman was new brand to my ears (and cheaper), but the Xhadow was already on my Stereovox Colibri interconnect cable that i’ve been using for years and the only cable that is better is the Stereolab Master Refference Phono RCA from the same designer. Actually they are both very well shielded and dead quite, so both can be used as phono RCA to RCA. The branding of Chris Sommovigo’s products is a bit confusing, first it was Stereovox and Xhadow, then it was Stereolab and Black Cat. The construction of the Black Cat cables is very interesting and can be viewed here The philosophy behind the Chros Sommovigo’s brand is here. I’m a big fan of his cables, each time i brought them to a friends it was a huge improvement in sound quality.

Back to connectors:
Practically the old Eichman is not on the same level at all, maybe for those "masters of soldering" they are ok, but practically plastic that holds the pins can be overheated and damaged if something goes wrong (that’s why i said not good for re-soldering). While the Xhadow are bulletproof reference connectors, same about WBT nextgen.

I got old Eichman copper bullets on one of my interconnects, also new KLE on one of my phono cable, so i know this connectors very well. The feeling of use WBT Nextgen is totally different. And Xhasow is something else.

P.S. I thought you’re soldering everything direct to the component as Raul did.

BTW Frank of the Signal Cable company simply use Neutrik professional connectors for his cables now instead of Eichman Bullet or KLE for some reason. Why?

In my praise of the Eichmann, and now the KLE, bullet plug, I did not mean to slight the Xhadow.  It looks to be very well designed and certainly influenced by the Eichmann design.  Yes, I think I overheated at least one bullet plug in my lifetime, but I think I salvaged it.  I did melt an XLO XLR connector, but good.  Which is to say, I had to trash it.  I am not sure, but I think "Anti-Cable" Company recently switched from KLE to Xhadow connectors on its top line of cables.  I know and trust the owner, Paul Speltz; he is like we are, a serious listener, but he happens to be an EE and very smart in this field, as well.

I like comical stories if they can enlighten the issue involved like

a kind of introduction. Two Serbian hunters are walking in the

montain searching for animals. ''Look there at the top of the

montain: a (montain) goat''. ''You must be blind'' say the other ''it

is obviously an eagle''. The disagrement lasts till the ''thing on the

montain top''  started to fly. ''Do you see an eagle!'' say the ''eagle

man''. ''Still a goat'' say the other.

i remembered this story by reading the 3th post of our dear

chakster about the RCA connectors.

@nandric i wonder why Frank, the designer of Signal Cable Silver Sesolution (beloweb by your brother Don), don’t use ETI Bullets anymore? It’s stated on his site. His new choice is not KLE from Eichman, but the "standard rca" or more expensive traditional Neutric ProFi RCA and there is no other options for some reason.


 I know and trust the owner, Paul Speltz; he is like we are, a serious listener, but he happens to be an EE and very smart in this field, as well.

Meanwile the designer of that old Xhadow RCA made his own new LoveCraft RCA and claimed they are even better, the good news (i just noticed that) the price is cheaper than Xhadow and they are available direct from the designer just for $80 (pair) here. I use the LoveCraft RCA on my best phono cable (Stereolab Master Reference) and i love it. Strange that each time i talk about Chris Sommovigo products (cables) his name is still new to the audiogonners, while he was in business for 25 years. I don't think that his idea to make Xhadow connectors comes from Eichman, those Xhadows are pretty old design. I think this 6moons review expain very well who's Chris Sommovigo. The reviewer is Srajan Ebaen.