Dear chakster, I am not Frank but guess that the price difference
between Neutric and Eichman is the reason. One usually don't
ask his butcher about the quality of his meat. There is even a
Dutch saying about this: ''the bucher should not value his own meat''.
But why should you refer to others? You have your own ears.
The fact that your hands are not ''born'' for soldering ''art '' you
can't ascribe to Eichmann. Anyway if one looks at both kinds one
can easylly see the opposite philosophy of their making: one point
ground and thrifty use of metal by Eichmann and the opposite by
Hhadow. Read the first post by Lew about this ''philosophy'' and
wonder about his last post . I think that he never considered carrer
in diplomacy. Even with Raul he keeps friendly relation. This is,
alas, not given to us the ordinary humans (grin).