Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Sunlight Engineering SE308 concentrics 18in drivers with 500hz compresion horn in center of woofer 104db 50lbs of alnico mag driver can be rebuilt but as is should last 50 + years.Can be used in extreme nearfield or use in a large hall they can easly produce massive SPL off little power.Smooth detailed sound,massive dynamic range, image is near real, tone to die for, makes you feel the emotion in music disapear when on even in extreme nearfield and they are huge.Wish I could keep for life was going to say from my cold dead hands but as with all things have to sell........Maybe some lucky soul will pick these up and keep for life I have owned built designed,demoed beta tested so many loudspeakers these are truly something special.As I have looked in this post for years now I see many loudspeakers suggested that could never last a life time you would need replacement drivers,rebuild surrounds, electric parts, cabinets are built of MDF which doesnt age well.Will such be availble in the future for these models?Will it even be worthwill to repair said drivers? With the se308 this isnt a problem just replace cone if damaged if cone cracks or gets holed no big deal for owner to repair cabinets so over built should last more than a lifetime finish is french polish which will look better as it ages will the polycoats on all these other sugestions stay the same? or will it yellow checker flake off expoing cheap veneers and MDF.So for a loudspeaker to last a lifetime it needs to be built to and most are only designed for 15 years use.
At the moment a pair of Oris 150's which do everything my ears like. Although I did say that about my Linn Isobariks back in the day (circa 1850)lol. Then Horns cometh, and then Horns stayeth.
Hey Johnk- the SE308 look great.
I'm partial to the Fried lineup. I have a pair of Model C satellites mounted on a pair of Model O subwoofers and I also have a pair of Monitor 7s and a pair of Model Qs 9currently not working). From what I've read I wouldn't mind acquiring a pair of C3/Ls but I guess they're as scarce as hens' teeth. Most people admire Fried transmission line speakers (such as my Model Os) because of their superior bass reproduction but even more I appreciate their ability to make a piano recording sound pretty much like a real piano. (They're not quite there.)
After starting out in this great hobby back in the 70's my first system was a Marantz 2275 receiver and the original large Advent with real walnut cabinets. Then went to stacked Advents, then Polks, then large KLH's, then Dalquest DQ10's with Ampzilla and Linn Sondek, then, well you get the idea. Got out of audio entirely in the early 80's (marriage, house, kids etc..) got back in in the mid 90's with the home theater craze and started an audio only system about 8 years ago. I started out with Paradigm and modest amplification (NAD,Rotel) went to Pinnacle, then Definitive then Magnepan then Martin-Logan then Hawthorne Audio (open baffle) then, well you get the idea. I finally gave in to my mid life crisis(?) and decided to go retro with my system so I sold my digital amps (Panny, Trends) and bought a mint Marantz 2275 (here on Agon) and the difference was astonishing (still with the Hawthornes) so then I thought how bout lets find some Advents (thanks EBAY) and for $175 could they still be any good? Is my 51 yr old memory just clouded by nostalga? Well epiphany number two the Advents had tears in my eyes within seconds, I couldn't believe how good they sounded and not just with audiophile stuff (that I never REALLY listen to it's just so well recorded it sounds good on ANY system) these things ROCKED with anything!!! Jimi, Led, Trower and all my other faves from back in the day sounded like they were supposed to not thin and brittle (Maggies and M-L's) but warm and inviting as if to say play ANYTHING on me and just sit back and smile. I can't tell you how good it feels to know that I'm off the merry go round for good. Look I love equipment as much as anyone and I realize the products I've talked about here are by no means "high end" stuff, but having three kids all at or near college age forces some real easy choices when it comes to priorities regarding finances and for the modest investment of about $1200 total for my ENTIRE system these Advents along with the Marantz are the definition of a "final system", for me anyway. The Advents sit on Mapleshade speaker platforms (which ironically cost me more than the speakers) and I also use Mapleshade Golden Helix wires and Signal Cable Analog two interconnects and digital cable. Front end is a Toshiba 3960 DVD player fed into an Ack! battery powered non-oversampling DAC (bought here on Agon for $200) which is also a very "analog" sounding unit. So in closing it all ends where it began, I have a system the can rock with Jimi, do nuance with Steely, and give late nite chills with Barber, Krall and others.