Looking for vintage system suggestions (maranta, klipsch, etc...)


I am new here, and am looking to purchase my first ever home stereo! I am VERY new to this world, so please forgive my ignorance about everything!

I do know that I want a vintage stereo, whose primary purpose is to play vinyl. I love the aesthetics, sound, and mojo of a vintage system.....and stylistically it works with my house. I am just about settled on finding a vintage Marantz 2270 or 2275. I see there are many on eBay, etc. Can anybody recommend an upgraded/restored unit for me to look at?

Speakers. I am looking at floorstanding speakers. I love the LOOK of vintage speakers, and am considering something vintage from Klipsch. Primarily looking at Heresy or Forte. Would these work well with a 2270 or 2275? Are there other, better choices that also have that mid century modern look? Or am I better of spending the big bucks for something new with vintage aesthetics (new Klipsch, etc.)

Turn Tables. I’d like vintage, but want to start with something simple. Plus, I think i will have spent the majority of my budget on the receiver and speakers. Looking at U Turn Audio tables....may upgrade in the future. Any thoughts? Better choices? Is vintage better?

I will most be listening to folk, jazz, classic rock, etc....nothing too heavy!

My budget is about $2500....a tiny bit of flexibilty, but want to keep it in that range...

Thanks in advance!
Thanks again for everybody's input.

This has, so far, been very informative and helpful.  And also a lot of fun learning about.

I am thinking that the one part of the system I need to stick with are the Heresy's......I think if any larger speakers show up at my door, it would not go over too well!

that being said, the idea of a decent integrated tube amp is becoming very appealing.  It seems like that might be the best match for the Heresy's.  As much as I like the look of those ss 70's receivers, I think a decent tube amp will provide me with a lot of listenening pleasure.

i am also thinking a modern tt might be a wise starting point as well....I'll save the vintage gear for my NEXT system!

i think I am going to just go ahead and purchase a set of Heresy's.  Not sure whether I am going to go with I, II, or III's.....gonna see what the best choice is on the used market.

as far as a tube integrated, I would like to stay away from the hybrid tube/class d stuff.  I'm thinking all tube would be best.  i am aware of Cayin, Jolida, and Rogue, but what are some other brands I should consider?  I'm thinking that the budget for a good tube amp would realistically be $500-1500....
Has anybody used these?


I am also a musician, and this company makes really nice guitar amps too.  Wondering about his stereo amps?
Not long ago with a great pair of small speakers and a second McIntosh MR74 tiner, I thought about 40 years ago when Woodland Stereo in Woodland Hills, Calif. was offering the Yamaha CA800 and CA1000 integrated amplifiers.  In fact I got a CA1000 and thought it was fabulous sounding.  In fact serious audiophiles were purchasing the CA1000 at the time strictly for it's pre-amplifier and phono pre-amplifier features.  At the time, the late 1970's Woodland Stereo was the biggest top end audio dealership at the time.  Anyway I got a CA800 off of EBay for $194 total and it is fabulous.  It also has two phono imputs as well as a headphone amplifier.  Oh yes, it also goes true class A with a flip of a switch.  I believe that the Yamaha CA800 and CA1000, along with the CT7000 FM tuner that gave Yamaha thir reputation for audio excellence at the time.  Of course, my own second audio system, consisting of the McIntosh MR74 tuner, along with the Yamaha CA800 that I own are two examples of achieving audio excellence, at a very modest price that would be hard to beat, even today.  Audio excellence is audio excellence.   And much of the 40-50 year old stuff going on the internet is still in as new  condition.  And we old farts are dying off right and left these dsys.  All this stuff needs is a good home.
Get a nice pair of the IMF large speakers  around $1200 used, find a nice Lafayette KT-550 power amp around $1500, get a nice Lenco 75 TT.  Go with a nice Counterpoint SA-3000 preamp (have it modified $1200 or so, not sure about the phono preamp but I can sell you the one I build for $8500!  HA!

Happy Listening.
Older Marantz are nice.  'Warm sound', always seemed more powerful than the specs suggested.  The ones with a mid-range tone control was nice if you don't opt for an outboard eq.  And the wood cabinets were pleasant to have around....*S*