Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Like everyone else hear, I too have been a boarding house for speakers. Many have come and gone over the past 15 years and few remain.
KLH Nines
Quad 57's
Chartwell LS3/5a's
The Chartwells Get more exercise than anything else. I walk them with a Fisher 400 and a Dragon in my computer room daily. Listening as to Santana as I type. If my house should catch fire, I'd grab the LS3/5a's. They'll be perfect for the van I will be living in!
I fell in love w/the 'Magnepan' sound in about '82 or '83.
I kept those MG-1s until just last November.
They had been rebuilt at the factory and re-socked.

I'm not an equipment changing guy, but I just could not part with them....at least until I could replace them with some NEW 1.6's.... I'll be buried in the box they came in!

I had them in everything from 900ft3 large closets to rooms that must have gone 6000ft3 and never had any problems with room filling / good imaging / distinctive sound.
Back in 2002, I wrote this:

10-31-02: dacspool@yahoo.com
I bought my Martin Logan Sequels in 1987. At the time, I auditioned lots of very high quality loudspeakers including Kef 104/2, which I also liked very much, and Magnepans.

Here it is - 2002 and I still have them!! Of course they've been driven with high quality equipment, and I've taken wonderful care of them. I've had to replace the panels about 5 years ago, but other than that, they remain PERFECT! The sound still amazes me and I wouldn't trade them for anything!!!

The Sequels were nice, but I sold them and bought a pair of MartinLogan reQuests, which I loved, but they were very large, so after 5 years of the reQuests I now have a pair of MartinLogan Summits. I think I've reached the end of the line.. I like the CLX, but they're too big for my room, so the Summits will be with me until the end.

Snell JII-- easily placed anywhere in a room for outstanding sound at a very fair original price of $670, back in 1987. They are amazing when wired in a vertical bi-amp setup. Absolutely awesome. Beat speakers I've heard costing $5000! (Monitor Audio PL100)
I've had a pair of Magnepan 2.6R's for 12 years bought second hand from Sound Components in Coral Gables. Although I have had a pair of EPI M-3 towers for almost the same length of time as well as a relatively recently purchased pair of Klipsch Heresy 1's that I occasionally put up for variety, I still go back to the Maggies for genuine relaxed enjoyment.