When you have no idea what the properties are, you have no idea if a combination is the right one. It always will be a gamble.
You only can make the right choice when you understand which properties you need and own.
I give you one example: I own Pass Labs monos and poweramps for over 8 years of time ( and the Pass Labs pre amp XP-20 for 2 years). The facts proof that Pass Labs is incomplete regarding Tru-Fi.
I also explained this to Desmond Harrington of Pass labs. Each Pass labs combo of power and pre proofs that the individual focus of instruments and voices are not that intimate and realistsic as in real.
You can change that by the right properties of cables, source and other parts. But......when a pre amp is superior in individual focus of instruments and voices, the level in this part is improving a lot more.
Desmond told me that the .8 series whould have a much better individual focus compared to the older series.
Almost all demoes in the world with Pass labs are done with the wrong properties in amps, sources and cables.
And proofs that people have no idea what the properties are of the products they used.
Many demoes proved that voices and instruments were way out of proportion. Beside this mistake most people have no idea how you can create a higher blacklevel and how voices and instruments gets a shape like they own in real.
I have to admitt I have to laugh a lot during shows. For me they are often like little children.
You only can make the right choice when you understand which properties you need and own.
I give you one example: I own Pass Labs monos and poweramps for over 8 years of time ( and the Pass Labs pre amp XP-20 for 2 years). The facts proof that Pass Labs is incomplete regarding Tru-Fi.
I also explained this to Desmond Harrington of Pass labs. Each Pass labs combo of power and pre proofs that the individual focus of instruments and voices are not that intimate and realistsic as in real.
You can change that by the right properties of cables, source and other parts. But......when a pre amp is superior in individual focus of instruments and voices, the level in this part is improving a lot more.
Desmond told me that the .8 series whould have a much better individual focus compared to the older series.
Almost all demoes in the world with Pass labs are done with the wrong properties in amps, sources and cables.
And proofs that people have no idea what the properties are of the products they used.
Many demoes proved that voices and instruments were way out of proportion. Beside this mistake most people have no idea how you can create a higher blacklevel and how voices and instruments gets a shape like they own in real.
I have to admitt I have to laugh a lot during shows. For me they are often like little children.