Wanted to remove any reflected sound from behind the speakers so designed large 3'X4' boxes 3.5" thick that hold "clean" acoustical insulation (read no fiberglass) and designed an interior structure (a bit complicated) that would hold this loose insulation in place when held on the wall. All is covered with speaker cloth. Works very well and has made the room more transparent and musical without acquiring that "dead" sound that I have in the music room and studio from a complete stoppage of all reflection (good for recording but not so great for listening -- use Next Acoustics products for this studio purpose). Sent some photos to Eric and he might pass them on to you if you two communicate. Since then have done the same with the space between the speakers and the soundstage is now very clear. You can point to the horns in dense orchestral textures with no problems. Could not find a design that would do this on the web and, so, built my own. It's easier than dealing with a third party when you have a specialty need.