Can upgraded power cords help my setup?

I have some KEF LS50 Wireless speakers and decided to use them with a Bluesound Node 2 via a Lifatec optical cable. Can I see a significant and worthy improvement if I swap out my power cords for something like Pangea cords? Do I need the AC 9SE MKII on the speakers or will the AC 14SE MKII be good for each speaker and also the Node 2 (C7?)? Power cords seem to be the only place left for me to tweak the most out of my setup.

Thanks for any input.
In the last month & a half I've made a few power cords that I'm very impressed with using Oyaide Tunami wire (purchased from Chris at VH Audio) and Neotech connectors from Parts Connexion. The wire is $30 a foot & the ends are $25 each (they are a discontinued model from Neotech that retail for $70 each). All that said, you can make a very good 4' power cord for $170 plus shipping. These PC's replaced Pangea 14's & a 9 as well as some older Tribularies. They are better in every way, not even in the same ballpark. In regard to the statement above about updating your equipment instead of wire; I've been using the same phono amp, preamp, power amp, & speakers for 10 to 20 years (depending on component), & can tell you first hand that wire matters. I like the Oyaide PC wire so much that I purchased more of that last week to try as speaker cable. Pretty dumb huh, not... Although it only has about 30 hours on it now, that has also made a large improvement to the sound. That wire replaced Morrows SP5 cable, which is also very good. I should add that my whole system with the exception of the sub, is run through a very large Exactpower transformer so that could also be why the difference in wire is so profound. I really don't know, but the investment was worthwhile. 

This was posted by Cnet reviews on internet: highly respected reviewers of high end Audio:

Power Cables

High-end power cables are seriously a thing. I'm not kidding. If you believe changing the power cable in your gear will improve the audio or video...I have an island I want to sell you.

In short (so to speak), power cables have no effect on audio, video or any other kind of fidelity.

This thread is no place for real electrical knowledge and logic. There's people here referencing Shunyata papers as proof of the science behind high-end cables.
make your own, their is no special magical spells being used by companies that can claim the one you made at home is inferrror. USe good quality cable, good connector and terminate it correctly.
The Neotech NES 3001 Speaker Cable which is 8AWG is what i use for my Power Cables Re-terminated properly with few diffrent connectors.