Binge sessions

I've realized  that I binge listen, not to music (yeah I do that too) but to components.  Like I'll spend several days even weeks just listening to vinyl, then several days and weeks listening to reel to reel, and yes days and weeks listening to compact cassettes and to a lesser extent I do the same with cassettes.  I have friends that listen to multiple formats during an evening of tunes, and I've done that but for the most part I "binge" on one of the four mentioned formats. 

I never noticed, my wife pointed it out. I'm currently on my rare cassette binge, rediscovering how good tapes I made in the seventies still sound (honestly even the not so good ones have been enjoyable) and having fun doing it.  

The Mrs., also pointed out that I go through extended periods of borrowing records and recording.  During the winter months I like taking the spare half track out and recording small jazz and folk venues. I appareantly binge on this too when the mood strikes.

Anyone else do this?



*L*  Beats 'binging' on something less socially acceptable, and if the spouse tolerates it in you....enjoy.  Different strokes, 'n all that...;)
Sometimes I'm in the mood for a different flavor and by swapping sources for a while it helps keep things fresh.  It could be in part that some recordings are best on my more forgiving gear.  
Some of my younger friends and family members think I’m nutz for still playing cassettes in the car.

I have an old T-Bird with a Pioneer cassette deck.  I use it all the time.  I miss the days of making tapes just for car.  I don't think your nutz, I think it's awesome.  I need to source a good replacement deck as the Pioneer is in needs of belts. 
I remember having a good Jensen unit then a good Blaupunkt.  Off to the bay to search.  =)
