Isolation feet/cones for PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC

Hey all,

I am debating between Large DH Cones and Herbies Tenderfeet.
Anyone have experience specifically with this DAC?

@ghosthouse  all is good. In general I am really interested in DIY and the topics discussed.
In this specific case, given the responses to the effectiveness of the DH cones and their current price, I don't think its worth the effort.
For pure experimentation though, maybe.

The DH cones do seem like a good buy at current pricing.  I don't know for sure but the Taranis amp I'm running seems to have them for footers (as supplied/stock) OR at least something that looks a LOT like them.  I have a mishmash of inexpensive isolation treatments throughout my system.  After I satisfy my curiosity about this roller bearing thing, I might well get a set of cones to try.  Big bucks for me!  ;-)  but not in audiophile terms.  Hope they work out for you.
Just to note that’s it’s highly unlikely DH Cones would be found on any random component, stock or otherwise, unless they were glued there (unlikely), as there would be no way to drill a hole in the bottom of the DH Cone since, you know, it’s the next hardest material to diamond. DH Cones. Accept no substitutes.

Someone else had the furniture caster cup idea way before I did.  Just found this...

Maybe not DH cones under the Taranis, Geoff.  Does look like 'em though.  

Yup ghosthouse, Geoff already stated the case---it’s a matter of friction. The plastic of the caster cups isn’t smooth (on the microscopic level of the vibrations we are talking about) or hard enough to provide a friction-free surface for the ball bearing to be free to move across.

But I agree with you, Diament’s wooden Easter egg cup suggestion is worse than your plastic caster cup one, wood being way too soft and textured to work well as a bearing cup. Barry proposed it to anyone wanting to try the roller bearing idea on the cheap, before spending any money on real ones. A poster on his site is the one who suggested concave drawer handles/pulls, the best idea for ultra-cheap bowls. The good news is that Ingress offers a set of three top/bottom cups for so cheap that the even cheaper alternatives aren’t necessary.

IMO, what Geoff has long suggested for isolation---the combination of roller bearings for lateral/rotational, and springs for vertical, provides a whole lot of isolation for not that much dough. To get more, one has to move up to the Townshend Seismic products (around $350 and up), and then up to the microscope isolation platforms by MinusK, Newport, and others. That’s some serious money, over $2k!