Dear Lew, I thought that oil and grease are different ''animals''
but I am not an expert in this domein of knowledge. However
I always try to be kind to you . That is why I deed not mention
Wagner in my last post. I know about your difficult upbringing
because your whole family was fond of Wagner. So you was
probably forced to listen to even Wagner's soprananos. Curious
but true your love for music was reborn by a trumpet. I was always
wondering why this instrument is regarded as an ''musical
instrument'' but this is the best illustration of the truth of the
known saying ''one man poison...'', etc.
Now back to Wagner. All his opera's are recorded on at least
5 records. This way the Germans cheated me with at least 20
superfluous records because I needed to pay for them while
those ''5'' could be easilly ''put'' on 4 records. That is if they used,
say,Stevenson instead of Bearwald. I don't believe that much
imagination is needed to grasp that record companies prefer
to sell more records than less.