Bass traps? (to solve a suck out)

I have a terrible suck out at 61Hz. What should I do to address, I cannot move my subwoofer or room.
Oh, I could have sworn I saw something about a subwoofer in the origional post.

61 Hz has a wavelength about 18.5 ft. 1/4 is about 55 inches. Want to do some measuring of your room and where the speakers are sitting? If the bass drivers are open baffle, the reflections can be either phase.
Yes you did see a sub in original post, I was adding my problems to the thread as I have same issue. Sorry if I hijacked things.
Hi Shadorne, I knew you were not laughing at me,the fact that I was "correct" is pretty funny and probably a first for me on Audiogon.

You said, Since you have bass down to 16 Hz then you can think of the subs role as "fill-in" duty...

What would need filling in? Below 16hz?

Bass traps can help change the way audio waves flow through the room, thus help treat both peaks and nulls, but in my case, after i treated my room with bass traps, the nulls were not measurably better. while this is just my experience, i would imaging that it would be a pretty standard result.
What would need filling in? Below 16hz?

Those nasty suckouts. If you place the sub closer to the listening position and further from a wall/corner then you can hope to provide some "fill" where the main speakers produce a terrible suckout at your listening position. It won't completely cure a suckout but along with bass trapping it may help just enough to make an improvement. In this situation with full range speakers one could easily end up with overall too much bass - this is where a PEQ with notch filters can help on the sub to avoid adding to both peaks and just add to the troughs and the sub peaks are EQ'd down. Of course you could notch filter the whole lot (mains and Sub) with a PEQ also (depending on the specific issues) or you could EQ each speaker and sub seperately...indeed the possibilities are many with the only caveat being that it is all too easy to overdo things and try to get ruler flat by placing dozens of filters which I suspect is a bad idea. At some point diminishing returns and the KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid rule of thumb applies....less "tweaking" may actually be better sounding than more.