Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I would have to list 3 speakers from a single manufacture, Vandersteen. The Quatro Wood, Model 5a Carbon, and Model 7. All these speakers are repairable by the manufacture for probably longer then anyone will own them as well as are upgradeable so they won't become obsolete.

These speakers are natural, neutral, and very live. Personally I have not heard a better speaker then the Model 7 for any amount of money that is as Live, Accurate, Disappearing IE as close to a Live performance as I have ever heard.
IDK about for life, but two years before my son was born, i bought some Polk Audio SDA 1c's brand new. Back when Polk was something special (1985). My son is now 23 years old making my Polks 25! They serve duty in my HT system (i also have a much newer dedicated two channel music only system). My son and all his friends want to steel the Polks because they still kick a**!

My son (who also inherited the audio bug) auditions many brands, (like PSB, Def Tech, Monitor, Paradigm, Klipsh to name a few) but he always comes home disappointed and says "i want ones that kick butt like your Polks". Then proceeds to try and talk me out of them.
A recently acquired pair of CLS iiz's, in satin black, one of the final pairs ever produced by ML in '01 when ML was still the ML we all knew. I've come full circle since its been 10 years since owning my last pair. And having now experimented with many a speaker over the past 10 years I can finally say I'm done. I snagged a Plinius SA100mkiii to drive 'em to sufficient volume levels that meet my needs. I've an alternative speaker I'll be keeping as well, a pair of Cain & Cain Abbys...driven by a small 300B SET integrated less than 10 watts, and that's all the occasional optional listening I ever need to experience.

Wow, I've put it in print...I'M DONE! How sweet it is to finally be able to say that and mean it because I know it's true.
Legacy Focus 20/20's
Magnepan 1.6 or 3.6
Martin logan Ascent i
Martin Logan Aeon i

My favorites so far.