Hey Audiofun,
I'm curious about the mat replacement. I have a 1200G. What mat did you choose? What improved?
blouse: if you have a warm and/or lush sounding phonostage or overall system sound, try removing the mat and placing the record directly on the brass platter. If you have a neutral to just shy of neutral try an acrylic mat. I am using a mat I received from Chris Thornton which is acrylic. I was the guinea pig for this mat. contact Chris at Artisan Fidelity or find another acrylic mat. obviously mats are very important and can make or break a system. The stock silicon feet are warm sounding and lean towards a bit of lushness. I experimented with different combinations until I arrived at a balance which I loved. The one one thing I can tell you is that I've never had a combination where the stock mat didn't absolutely destroy the sound and that goes for the original stock rubber mat which came with my SP10 mk3, I use a custom copper mat which I purchased from Artisan Fidelity. The copper mat mat does NOT work on the GAE! It was immediately evident that this was a bad combo but to Technics credit I believe the manual states that if you use a record weight or such the mass should under a certain amount (would have to refer to he manual again) and my copper mat did exceed the recommended weight limit. I think it was Mr. Fremer who recommended the Holger Stein mat. I may try that mat one day. I for one do not use clamps or weights. Everyone I've tried has shut the music down on both of my tables. That table and arm will tell you Everything with regards to the sound based on your decisions, it is very very revealing. I can clearly hear the differences between feet, mats and head shells. Experiment and listen deeply into the music. I find small ensembles with accompanying vocals to be some of the best music to hear these types of changes. |
Audiofun, for the record, let me get this straight. You are asserting that your 1200GAE “is FAR BEYOND anything VPI have ever produced” except the one you haven’t heard? Isn’t that a tad disrespectful? Furthermore, you claim that whilst creating a technological marvel of a turntable (NC machining from solid, engineering a new “non-cogging” twin rotor DD motor etc) Panasonic/Technics then decided to RUIN the whole thing by putting a “crappy” rubber mat on it as their standard, deeply researched, recommendation? If things really are as bad as you describe you need to have a word with the manufacturer as a matter of urgency! ;^) Ironically, Stereophile’s reviewer states that his favourite part of the T/T, old & new, was the “thick rubber mat”! You can’t both be right?!?! ;^) (Well, in reality, you can because it's an arbitrary choice) Enjoy the music! |
@moonglum i will add my 50 cents Panasonic/Technics then decided to RUIN the whole thing by putting a “crappy” rubber mat on it as their standard, deeply researched, recommendation? I think he’s right. When i replaced rubber mat on my Technics Sp10mk2 with Micro Seiki CU-500 is was a huge upgrade, seriously. I have not tried the CU-180 which i have as a spare (if anyone need it), unfirtunately it does not fit into my Luxman PD-444 platter as good as on Technics. The CU-500 is thicker, but both the CU-180 and CU-500 fits the Technics SP-10mk2 (and mk3) platter like it was made especially for Technics. I can’t use rubber mats anymore. On LUX i use Saec SS-300 mat. Here is a picture of my spare CU-180 https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19748589_1777769435574549_8730619823982480662_n.jpg?oh... And this is CU-500 on my SP-10mk2 https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12923282_1223524284332403_4878242080706096266_n.jpg?oh... |
moonglum: the tone of your post seems adversarial, but I could be wrong. I will try to address yours questions/points succinctly. Audiofun, for the record, let me get this straight. You are asserting that your 1200GAE “is FAR BEYOND anything VPI have ever produced” except the one you haven’t heard? No. I clearly wrote "It is far beyond anything I've heard from VPI although I've not heard the VPI DD". Isn’t that a tad disrespectful? As your quote is misrepresentative (innacurate) of what I had actually posted I view this question as non relevant to my post. If things really are as bad as you describe you need to have a word with the manufacturer as a matter of urgency! ;^) I needn't have a word with Matsushita. Urgency on what scale? People starving, or needing housing? It's a $4k record player. It's a toy I use it to enjoy my evenings and relax after work. It is not urgent to me. I remedied the situation by tuning it to my ears as most people do with their gear no matter the cost. If I were to follow your line of reasoning, by now I would have contacted nearly every manufacturer of audio equipment I've owned throughout the years to chide them over the crappy power cords they send with their respective products. As it stands, most manufacturers will inform you that they include a standard P.C. for the sake of convenience, knowing that if they installed a high-end P.C. it would drive up the cost and most people would still most likely choose their own flavor of P.C. You can’t both be right?!?! ;^) (Well, in reality, you can because it's an arbitrary choice) You answered your own question. |